About Us

Windsor Party Signs was born in a neighborhood living room between two sisters with a possibly wild idea. 
We wanted to be able to spread joy and recognize birthdays throughout the neighborhood in a way that would be economical and eco-friendly. 

Our goal is to make your celebration easy for you. Schedule with us and we will place your yard signs the night before and pick them up. No extra work for you, but you get all the credit! 

About the Sisters

Alyssa and Caitlin have been living in Windsor Park since the fall of 2017. We have absolutely fallen in love with the area, and hope to stay in the neighborhood for as long as we are in Austin. 

A few facts about us:
  • No, we are not twins, but we get that a lot. We are five years apart. 
  • Caitlin works in marketing, specifically mail-based campaigns for non-profits. 
  • Alyssa is a former teacher and current curriculum designer working towards an MLS with Texas Woman's University. 
  • We have a dog named Frito and a cat named Birdie.